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DRAFT Rev. 2.09, 2012 November 15
Preliminary data from TAG_000 suggest that TAG_001 has bottomed, with an overall rebound likely after a modest consolidation. The consensus forecast is for gradual recovery in the TAG_002 quarter, owing to previous stimulus measures.
(a) New applications for unemployment, (b) Layoff notices, (c) New home sales, (d) Foreclosures
(a) The US housing market, (b) Retail sales, (c) Joblessness, (d) Ponzification
(a) First, (b) Second, (c) Third, (d) Fourth, (e) Fifth, (f) Six hundred and nineteenth from now
(a) Oil prices, (b) The eurozone, (c) the BRICs, (d) The Desert Crab People of the Orion Nebula
(a) Larry Yun, (b) Larry Summers, (c) Larry Fine, (d) Moe Howard, (e) Curly Howard, (f) Jon Hilsenrath, (g) Miss South Carolina, (h) David Brooks, (i) Paul Krugman
(a) Economist, (b) Sociopoliticoeconometrician, (c) Scholar in Residence, (d) Mistress, (e) Astrologer
(a) The National Association of Realtors, (b) the New York Times, (c) Maurice's Snak-n-Chat Café, (d) the White House, (e) the Commerce Department, (f) The Ministry of Food Safety, Cosmetology and Taxidermy
(a) Inflation, (b) Deflation, (c) Stability, (d) Instability, (e) Hope, (f) Change, (g) Federal prosecution
(a) Employment, (b) Innovation, (c) Nanotechnology, (d) Many people's attitudes, (e) Fukushima radiation levels
(a) Keynesian effectiveness, (b) Austrian integrity, (c) DisneyWorld pricing
(a) Quantitative easing, (b) Unindicted counterfeiting, (c) Debt-based prosperity, (d) Self-medication
(a) New unemployment claims, (b) The CPI, (c) Manufacturing inventories, (d) Imported plastic gew-gaws
(a) M2, (b) Rate of growth in M2, (c) False-flag operations, (d) Rate of growth in false-flag operations, (e) "Hello Kitty" futures contracts
(a) GDP, (b) The YoY change in GDP, (c) The proximity to US national debt ceiling, (d) The one-year moving average of the number of head gaskets blown in NASCAR competition, (e) Burundi infection rates
(a) Equity markets, (b) Bond markets, (c) Equity markets, (d) Equity markets
(a) Jamie Dimon, (b) Lloyd Blankfein, (c) Randy Jackson, (d) Paula Abdul, (e) Simon Cowell
(a) Citywide Bank of Lynch Sachs, (b) the National Association of Money-Laundering Professionals, (c) Starbucks, (d) That other Starbucks, the new one, across the street, (e) San Pedro Jazzercise(tm)
(a) Crude oil prices, (b) The prices of things that are not oil but are counted as oil, anyway, (c) The self-esteem of American adolescents, (d) The number of times that American politicians used the word "folks" yesterday
(a) Brent crude, (b) WTI crude, (c) Crude analogies, (d) croutons and crudités
(a) Power-generation efficiencies, (b) Somber press releases, (c) Banking subsidies, (d) Other banking subsidies
(a) Spanish housing, (b) Ex-Irish sales of Guinness, (c) The incidence of rude hand gestures by Italian male twentysomethings, (d) Greek exports of durable goods
(a) Herman van Rompuy, (b) Mario Monti, (c) Silvio Berlusconi, (d) That teenage dancer whose YouTube video went viral (e) Gideon Gono, (f) Alan Krueger, (g) Jim Cramer, (h) Timmy G, Deputy Assistant Prince of Darkness
(a) The European Council (Commission, Cartel, whatever), (b) The European Parliament (Council, Commission, Cartel, whatever), (c) The European Central Bank (Parliament, Council, Commission, Cartel, whatever), (d) The IMF, (e) The Jerry Sandusky Family Values Foundation, (f) The Wal-Mart Human Resources Department
(a) Kim Jong-un, (b) Jon Corzine, (c) Christine Lagarde, (d) A senior US administration official who asked not to be identified, (e) Leon Panetta, the senior US administration official who asked not to be identified, (f) K-pop rapper Psy, (g) Larry Kudlow, (h) Bob Rubin
(a) The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, (b) The Bundesministerium der Finanzen, (c) Life Magazine, (d) Hooters No. 3 of Shanghai, (e) The Bank of England, (f) The Bureau of Labor Statistics
(a) Janet Yellen, (b) Fred Mishkin, (c) Jerry Springer, (d) George Akerlof, (e) Christina Romer, (f) Jared Bernstein, (g) Austan Goolsbee, (h) Dr. Evil's cat, Mr. Bigglesworth
(a) The Institute for Advanced Study, (b) The Princeton Economics Department, (c) The European Commission's Yarn Museum, (d) SeaWorld San Diego, (e) The Wall Street Journal
(a) Winter, (b) Summer, (c) Drought, (d) Flood, (e) The wrong kind of daylight in Iceland
(a) US consumers, (b) Eurozone consumers, (c) Chinese state-owned enterprises, (d) Pottery Barn
(a) JP Morgan Chase, (b) Wells Fargo, (c) The Central Bank of Andorra, (d) The Southern Baptist Convention, (e) The Shagadelic Tiger-Stripe Lounge next to the Atlantic City airport
(a) The agricultural commodities supply chain, (b) The minerals support complex, (c) Haitian specialty publishing, (d) Drone missile strikes on Pakistani weddings and rescue efforts
(a) Interest rate swaps, (b) Credit default swaps, (c) Wife swaps, (d) Gold, (e) Previously rehypothecated gold, (f) Tungsten, (g) Previously rehypothecated tungsten, (h) Indonesian schoolchildren whose vital organs have been pledged as collateral to no more than four foreign surgical-transplant teams each
(a) Grow, (b) Grow
(a) A quadrillion US dollars, (b) A quintillion US dollars, (c) A mind-boggingly huge number of US dollars -- I mean, you might think that space is big, really big, but that's just peanuts compared to the OTC derivatives market
(a) Pretty much everything
My new book Why Things Are Falling Apart and What We Can Do About It is currently offered at 20% to 30% discounts, this week only.

2. Crony capitalism and the elimination of accountability
3. Diminishing returns
4. Centralization
5. Technological, financial and demographic changes in our economyComplex systems weakened by diminishing returns collapse under their own weight and are replaced by systems that are simpler, faster and affordable. If we cling to the old ways, our system will disintegrate. If we want sustainable prosperity rather than collapse, we must embrace a new model that is Decentralized, Adaptive, Transparent and Accountable (DATA).
We are not powerless. Not accepting responsibility and being powerless are two sides of the same coin: once we accept responsibility, we become powerful.
This week only, 20% discount on the Kindle edition: $7.95 (retail $9.95) print edition: $24 on
To receive a 30% discount on the print edition: $16.80 (retail $24), follow the link, open a Createspace account and enter discount code B9G5JDXD. (This is the only way I can offer a discount.)
Thank you, Robert C. ($25), for your supremely generous contribution to this site--I am greatly honored by your support and readership. |